Battle for the Planet of the Apes Movie Review

Originally aired July 18th, 2012What was meant to be the really, truly actual final Planet of the Apes film - Battle for the Planet of the apes didn't so much end the series with a bang but more (blog post) a whimper. However, despite it's poor critical reception, is there more to enjoy with this movie, or have we all truly had enough damn dirty

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Death Race 2000 Movie Review

Leaving the summer behind, we hit the hot asphalt with David Carradine in Death Race 2000. A classic Corman production, the movie was Carradine's first work past Kung Fu. It was also the first offer he got after said series, which he jumped on due to fears about being "the kung fu (blog post) guy" and fading into obscurity. Oh yeah.. the movie..

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RoboCop Movie Review

This is one of those movies that gives you exactly what it promises with the title. RoboCop is the tale of a robotic cop, a former man who was rebuilt into a (blog post) crime fighting machine! Literally!Source: (blog post) RoboCop Movie Review - Decker Shado More Videos

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It's hard for me to realize I'm in a film!These are just a few more filmsInterstellar Movie GuideThere are film cultsAction in 48 HoursJoin the Popcorn Fanatics Club todayOld School Film FansSpace Bastard

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